Loaves & Fishes Ministries

Loaves & Fishes Ministries has the only emergency shelter in a 5 county area. The Chayah House emergency shelter is a 38 bed evening shelter that provides a safe place for adults and children. Our shelter opens every day at 4 PM and our guests must leave in the morning at 8 AM. Meals, showers, laundry facilities and case management are available. Life skills classes are offered twice a week. Regular case management is provided to assist clients with employment, housing, transportation, and assistance in connecting to medical and mental health professionals. Clients may also participate in and access Loaves & Fishes various housing programs.

We understand that for many folks, it took a lot of courage just to come in to ask for help. So we work hard on trying to develop relationships with anyone and everyone who’s involved in all of our different programs at Loaves & Fishes.

DeeDee Clement, Executive Director, Loaves & Fishes Ministries